An abbess (Latin abbatissa, feminine form of abbas, abbot) is the female superior, or mother superior, of a community of nuns, often an abbey.Catholic Encyclopedia.
abbessとは意味:{名-1} : 尼僧院長{にそう いんちょう} -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- {名-2} : 〈英俗〉娼家の女主人、娼婦{しょうふ} ------------------------------------------------------------------...abbess meaning: Noun: abbess abis The superior of a group of nuns - mother superior , prioress Derived forms: abbesses See also: abbatial Type of: superior Encyclopedia: Abbes...abbess en francais:n. abbesse, femme supérieure d'un monastère de religieuses ayant titre d'abbayeabbess artinya:kepala biarawatiabbess 뜻:noun, 여자수녀원장(CF, ABBOT)abbess перевод:1) аббатисса, настоятельница монастыря