The master of brand building david a . aaker gave another definition of brand : brand is a set of assets or debts , which can increase or decrease the value of a product or service 阿.杜克( davida . aaker )给品牌的定义是:品牌是和品牌名称和标志联系在一起的一套资产或负债,它们可以增加或减少一个产品或服务的价值。
Holding this question , the author read michael e . porter ' s theories of competitive advantage and competitive strategy , david a . aaker ' s brand equity theory , as well as latest discussion on brand theory and subjects on fashion industry 带着这个问题,笔者仔细研读了一些著名理论,包括迈克尔(波特的竞争战略和竞争优势理论、大卫? a ?阿克的品牌资产和其他一些有关品牌的理论以及服装营销专题。