号: howl; yell染色体: chromosome19号染色体: chromosome 191号染色体: chromosome 122号染色体: chromosome 222号染色体: chromosome 23号染色体: chromosome 34号染色体: chromosome 47号染色体: chromosome 78号染色体: chromosome 89号染色体: chromosome 94号染色体短臂三体性: trisomy for short arm of chromosome 4第13号染色体三体综合征: chromosome 13-trisomy syndrome第18号染色体三体性: trisomy 18第18号染色体三体综合征: chromosome 18-trisomy syndrome号染色体短臂部分缺失: partial deletion of the short arm of chromosome 4 4psyndromee第6对染色体异常: anomaly of chromosome pair 613号染色体长臂缺失及环状d组染色体综合征: chromosome 13 long arm deletion and ring d syndrome18号染色体长臂缺失综合征: chromosome 18 long arm deletion syndrome; grouchy-royer-salmon-lumy syndrome18号染色体短臂缺失综合征: chromosome 18 short arm deletion syndrome21号染色体长臂部分单体综合征: contra-type down syndrome21号染色体长臂缺失综合征: chromosome 21 long arm deletion syndrome4号染色体短臂部分单体综合征: wolf syndrome4号染色体短臂缺失综合征: chromosome 4 short arm deletion syndrome5号染色体短臂部分缺失综合征: partial deletion of short arm of chromosome 5 syndrome