股票: shares; share certificate; s ...的: 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...中签: be the lucky number率: rate; ratio; proportion股票的中签: win the lot for ipo中签率: dtor; lot winning rate股票的: stock股票的发行: issuance of stock; issuing stocks and shares股票的购进: stock buying股票的股息: stock dividend股票的清算: liquidation of stocks中签: be the lucky number (in drawing lots, etc.)指股票的转名: transferofnamescurb market (股票的)场外交易。: curb exchange〔美国〕(股票的)核定价格。: making-up price股票的额外发行: incremental stock issue股票的核定价格: make up price; making up price股票的合并发行: lump-sum sales of stock股票的零星交易: odd lot of stock股票的涨落情况: advance balance line捐赠股票的出售: disposal of donated shares买卖股票的期权: puts and calls上市股票的总市值: aggregate value of listed stock; aggregatevalueoflistedstock提升了股票的等级: upgrade the stock's rating维持股票的存货: to maintain an inventory of assigned stock