

  • 溶菌原
  • 溶素原,细胞溶素原
  • 溶原性菌
  • 溶原性细菌
  • 溶源体,溶源菌
  • 细胞溶素原



  • 例句与用法
  • In addition , no back mutation to obtain a maximal complexity ( i . e . - resistant and sensitive species coexistence ) or original ecology ( i . e . original - lysogen ) for the evolution occurs
  • Addition of iptg to growing culture of the lysogen induces t7 rna polymerase , which in turn transcribe the target dna in the plasmid . in the presence of glucose and appropriate conditions such as temperature and concerntration of iptg , a 52kd protein with tryptopanase activity was expressed
    摸索发酵条件,如改变培养温度和iptg浓度等,发现在30培养条件下, 0 . 2mmiptg诱导时,发酵液中的吲哚含量最高,表明低浓度的诱导剂或低温诱导有利于表达出有活性的色氨酸酶。
  • To prove that the cloned dna fragment can express tryptopanase , a new plasmid pet28c - tnaa , in which the cloned dna fragment was located downstream of t7 promoter on pet28c was constructed and transformed into host bl21 ( de3 ) , a bl21 lysogen of bacteriophage de3 in which the only promoter known to direct transcription of the t7 rna polymerase gene is the lacuvs promoter , which is inducible by iptg
    用iptg诱导表达t7rna聚合酶,以表达质粒上的目的基因。在葡萄糖存在的条件下,用常规方法发酵和诱导( 37 1mmiptg ) ,发现表达的蛋白质条带的分子量与理论上计算的分子量一致。但是发酵液中检测不到吲哚,表明虽然表达了目标蛋白,但表达的蛋白质没有酶活性。
  • 百科解释
A lysogen or lysogenic phage is a phage that can exist as a DNA in its dormant state (prophage) within its host organism. A prophage is either integrated into the host bacteria's chromosome or more rarely exists as a stable plasmid within the host cell.
  • 其他语种释义
  • 推荐英语阅读
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