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  • 例句与用法
  • An outlet pipe leads from the bottom of each lysimeter to overflow tanks
  • The calculated value of bowen ratio was more accurate than the measured value of lysimeter in describing the evapotranspiration rule of crops in short period
  • Based on the experimental data from cornfields , this paper compared the daily change of evapotranspiration calculated by bowen ratio energy balance and that calculated by lysimeter
  • The results showed that the evapotranspiration calculated by bowen ratio was highly related to solar radiation , but that calculated by lysimeter was not evidently related to solar radiation
  • Assuming that the moisture contents in the lysimeter at the time of measurement remain the same as the previous day , the difference between the added water and the overflow represents the potential evapotranspiration
  • Assuming that the moisture contents in the lysimeter at the time of measurement remain the same as the previous day , the difference between the added water and the overflow represents the potential evapotranspiration
  • An outlet pipe leads from the bottom of each lysimeter to overflow tanks . sufficient water is sprinkled on the grass every evening to ensure that a small overflow occurs in the outlet pipes before observation is taken the next morning
  • An outlet pipe leads from the bottom of each lysimeter to overflow tanks . sufficient water is sprinkled on the grass every evening to ensure that a small overflow occurs in the outlet pipes before observation is taken the next morning
  • The dynamic change of nh4 + , no3 - and tn , under the situation which urea was applied in the high fertility paddy - field in yuhang of hangzhou city with a lysimeter which was designed and made by ourselves , was studied and analyzed in order to find the rules of the change in the water - body of surface and the leakage rule of nitrogen , to reduce the effect of nitrogen loss on the water pollution
  • Using domestic strained integrated resistor as weighing sensor , at89c52 single chip as control unit , combined with arithmetical magnification , analogtodigital conversion ( a / d ) , real time clock , liquid crystal display ( lcd ) , and series communication interface , a minitype automatic weighing lysimeter is developed . that made measurement of evapotranspiration become conveniently and effectively in studying on water use of crops
  • 百科解释
A lysimeter is a measuring device which can be used to measure the amount of actual evapotranspiration which is released by plants, usually crops or trees. By recording the amount of precipitation that an area receives and the amount lost through the soil, the amount of water lost to evapotranspiration can be calculated.
  • 其他语种释义
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