

  • n.



  • 例句与用法
  • Gadolinium - determination of lanthanum oxide , cerium oxide , praseodymium oxide , neodymium oxide , samarium oxide , europium oxide , terbium oxide , dysprosium oxide , holmium oxide , erbium oxide , thulium oxide , ytterbium oxide , lutetium oxide and yttrium oxide contents
  • Holmium oxide - determination of lanthanum oxide , cerium oxide , praseodymium oxide , neodymium oxide , samarium oxide , europium oxide , gadolinium oxide terbium oxide , dysprosium oxide , erbium oxide , thulium oxide , ytterbium oxide , lutetium oxide and yttrium oxide cont
  • Samarium oxide - determination of lanthanum oxide , cerium oxide , praseodymium oxide , neodymium oxide , europium oxide , gadolinium oxide , terbium oxide , dysprosium oxide , holmium oxide , erbium oxide , thulium oxide , ytterbium oxide , lutetium oxide and yttrium oxide cont
  • Praseodymium oxide - determination of lanthanum oxide , cerium oxide , neodymium oxide , samarium oxide , europium oxide , gadolinium oxide , terbium oxide , dysprosium oxide , holmium oxide , erbium oxide , thulium oxide , ytterbium oxide , lutetium oxide and yttrium oxide con
  • Neodynium oxide - determination of lanthanum oxide , cerium oxide , praseodymium oxide , samarium oxide , europium oxide , gadolinium oxide , terbium oxide , dysprosium oxide , holmium oxide , erbium oxide , thulium oxide , ytterbium oxide , lutetium oxide and yttrium oxide cont
  • Lanthanum oxide - determination of cerium oxide , praseodymium oxide , neodymium oxide , samarium oxide , europium oxide , gadolinium oxide , terbium oxide , dysprosium oxide , holmium oxide , erbium oxide , thulium oxide , ytterbium oxide , lutetium oxide and yttrium
  • Terbium oxide - determination of lanthanum oxide , cerium oxide , praseodymium oxide , neodymium oxide , samarium oxide , europium oxide , gadolinium oxide , dysprosium oxide , holmium oxide , erbium oxide , thulium oxide , ytterbium oxide , lutetium oxide and yttrium oxide cont
  • Cerium oxide - determination of lanthanum oxide , praseodymium oxide , neodymium oxide , samarium oxide , europium oxide , gadolinium oxide , terbium oxide , dysprosium oxide , holmium oxide , erbium oxide , thulium oxide , ytterbium oxide , lutetium oxide and yttrium oxide co
  • Yttrium - europium oxide - determination of lanthanum oxide , cerium oxide , praseodymium oxide , neodymium oxide , samarium oxide , gadolinium oxide , terbium oxide , dysprosium oxide , holmium oxide , erbium oxide , thulium oxide , ytterbium oxide and lutetium oxide contents - inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectrographic method
  • Europium oxide - determination of lanthanum oxide , cerium oxide , praseodymium oxide , neodymium oxide , samarium oxide , gadolinium oxide , terbium oxide , dysprosium oxide , holmium oxide , erbium oxide , thulium oxide , ytterbium oxide , lutetium oxide and yttrium oxide contents - inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectrographic method
  • 更多例句:  1  2
  • 英文解释
  • a trivalent metallic element of the rare earth group; usually occurs in association with yttrium
    同义词:lutecium, Lu, atomic number 71,

  • 百科解释
Lutetium is a chemical element with the symbol Lu and atomic number 71. It is a silvery white metal which resists corrosion in dry, but not moist, air.
  • 其他语种释义
  • lutetiumとは意味:{名} : 《元素》ルテチウム、ルーテチアム◆【略】Lu◆原子番号71。原子量174.9671(天然同位体存在比 Lu-175:97.412%、Lu-176:2.592%)。密度9.840g/cm3。 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 【発音】lu:ti':∫(э)m、【...
  • 推荐英语阅读
lutetium的中文翻译,lutetium是什么意思,怎么用汉语翻译lutetium,lutetium的中文意思,lutetium的中文lutetium in Chineselutetium的中文lutetium怎么读,发音,例句,用法和解释由查查在线词典提供,版权所有违者必究。
