Since then i've come to prefer the lustier women of the islands . 从此后我宁肯要这里群岛上的风流女人。
On the benches in his shop were the lusty and valiant young men . 他店内登子上坐的却都是一些强壮骠悍的小伙子。
Clyde began to think of him as perhaps a little too lusty for his new life here, maybe . 克莱德心想,这个人对这里的新生活也许太热衷些了吧。
The lusty youth spotted that marriageable girl, but he didn't speak directly to her . 壮实的小伙子瞧上了那个未嫁的少女,但他一直不上前直接答话。
But the savage being a stout lusty fellow, closing in with him, had thrown him down . 不料那野人是一个肥硕无比,孔武有力的家伙,住前猛地一扑,就把他撂倒在地上。
We think ourselves too lusty and too nimble for that blear-eyed decrepit old gentleman to catch us。 我们自恃身强力壮步履轻捷,那个眼神不好的糟老头子休想抓住我们。
Tudsbury and slote were in a lusty argument, with natalie looking sombrely from one to the other . 塔茨伯利和斯鲁特正在激烈地争论着,娜塔丽在一边忧郁地看看这个,又看看那个。
He seems to bring his armchair to the proscenium and chat with us in all the lusty ease of his fine english . 他好象搬了一张扶手椅,坐在舞台前部,用他明快有力的英语,娓娓动人地跟我们闲谈。
A tall, lusty fellow, somewhat grizzled and as brown as a smoked ham, walked before them with an air of some authority . 他们由一个神采奕奕的高个子带领着,他摆出一副首领的神气,头发有灰白,脸色棕褐,跟烟熏过的火腿差不多。