Providing systems and lrvs maintenance operation training to cbtu / stu - recife teams 对cbtu / stu - recife人员进行系统和轻轨车的维护和操作培训。
Demands for greater comfort standards and ease access for the disabled are developing the lo v floor light rail vehicles ( lrvs ) 此外,为提高舒适性和方便残疾人等,低地板轻轨车辆也迅速发展起来。
In order to simulate the dynamic behavior of lrvs , it need rebuild the vehicle simulation model because of the structure ' s changing 由于结构的变化,对轻轨车辆动力学特性进行仿真,需重新建立轻轨车辆动力学仿真模型。
A total of 119 light rail vehicles ( lrvs ) run along light rail , which operates for 19 hours each day . each lrv can accommodate more than 200 passengers 轻铁每日运作十九小时,车队现有一百一十九部轻铁车辆,每部可载客二百馀人。
Project development , manufacture , supply , commissioning , guarantee and technical assistance of 7 ( seven ) lrvs , based on the specifications and parameters as set forth under this technical specification 按照此文中的规格和参数,负责此项目的开发、生产、供应、试车、质保和技术协助。
The commemorative ticket set , featuring the original livery of the phase 1 light rail vehicles ( lrvs ) , will be available for sale from 30 october ( monday ) at all light rail customer services centres , east rail ticket offices and 47 daily shops 星期一)起,在所有轻铁客务中心、东铁票务处及四十七间地利店发售。
Lrvs shall have automatic couplings at both driving ends , to permit coupling and trailing by other lrv and by loco or loco - tractor , using an adapter , in the event of any need for transport without its own driving power 在两端应有自动车钩以及适配器,以便于轻轨车在自身失去动力时被其它的轻轨车、机车或机车拖车连接和拖走。
A spokesman for light rail noted that the ticket was issued to commemorate the original livery of the lrvs . the first two phases of lrvs , which comprise a total of 99 vehicles , have been in service for 12 years 九广轻铁发言人指示,车票是纪念轻铁列车早期的外貌,首两期共九十九部轻铁列车,已提供服务达十二年,成为新界西北区的一项特色。
The conflict between hunting stability and negotiating curves , both the lrvs with irws and conventional , is notable . in order to obtain the best compromise between stability and curving , there have been proceeding many wor 为了解诀这个矛盾,从车辆诞生起,就已经进行了大量的研究,但是新科学、新技术层出不穷,如何将新方法引入到车辆系统,对车辆的发展十分关键。
In this paper , the author starts with seeking the difference betvveen traditional vehicles and lrvs , the lateral simulated model of single independently wheelset is built , and enlarge it to lateral simulated model of the whole lrv 本文从寻求独立旋转车轮轻轨车辆与常规车辆的差异入手,建立了单独立轮对横向动力学仿真模型,然后将其扩展到整个轻轨车横向动力学仿真模型。