live vi. 1.生存;活着〔现常用 be alive 或 be living〕。 2.生活,过日子,过活;做人,处世。 3.居住。 4.生活得很愉快、高兴;在生活中得到享受。 5.一直活到;(事物)继续发展[存在];(船等)度过危险。 6.(人物形像等)栩栩如生,生动如真;留在别人的记忆中。 L- and let live. 〔谚语〕自己活也让别人活。 He lives what he teaches. 他言行如一。 He lives [is living] in France. 他住在法国。 live under the same roof 住在一幢房子里。 She lived and died a virgin. 她终身没有结婚。 I have lived today. 我今天过得很高兴。 L- and learn. 〔谚语〕活到老,学到老。 live to be a hundred 活到一百岁。 The ship lived in the storm. 这船没有在风浪中沉没。 make a historical character live把历史人物描写得非常生动。 His memory lives. 他活在人的心中。 vt. 1.过(…的生活);度过。 2.(在自己的生活中)表现,实行,实践。 (as sure) as I live 的的确确。 (He is dead, as I live. 他确实死了)。 He lives long that lives well. 〔谚语〕活得好就是活得久。 live a double life 过双重(人格)生活。 live a lie 过虚伪的生活。 live above [beyond] one's income [means] 生活和收入不相称,入不敷出。 live by 1. 靠…为生 (live by one's hands 自食其力。live by one's fingers' ends 靠手艺过活)。 2. 住在…附近。 live by oneself 独居。 live carefully 俭省地[有节制地]过日子。 live down 靠以后的行为洗清污名等。 live down to (sb.'s expectation) 辜负(某人的期望等)。 live from hand to mouth 做一天吃一天地过日子。 live hard 过困俭生活。 live in 1. 住进。 2. (雇员)住在东家。 (opp. live out). live in ease 过得逍遥自在。 live in [within] oneself 孤独地生活。 live in the past 靠着缅怀往昔过日子〔意味着目前生活不如意等〕。 live it up 〔俚语〕狂欢;纵情作乐。 live off 1. 住在…之外。 2. 以…为生。 live on [upon] 1. 以…为主食 (live on rice 以米为主食)。 2. 靠…生活 (live on sixpence a day 每天花六便士维持生活)。 3. 继续活着。 live on forever 万古长青。 live on the cross 〔俚语〕以偷窃为生;行为不正。 live out 1. (雇员等)外宿,住在外面。 2. 活过,多活(一定期间) (live out another month 又多活一个月)。 live rough 过苦日子。 live single 过独身生活。 live through 度过。 (live through an economical crisis 度过经济危机)。 live to oneself 过孤独的生活。 live up to 量…过日子;实行(主义等);生活得无愧于,配得上,够得上;达到预期标准 (live up to expectations 终于取得预期的东西[事业的成功等])。 live well 1. 过有道德的生活。 2. 过优裕生活。 live with sb. 1. 和某人同居。 2. 寄住在某人处 (live with sb. in peace 和某人和平共处)。 where sb. lives 〔美俚〕某人的要害 ( The word goes right where I live. 这话正刺中我的要害)。 adj. 1.活的,有生命的 (opp. dead)。 a live fish 活鱼。 a live fence 树篱。 2.〔戏谑语〕〔常接在real之后〕真的,活生生的。 a real live mountain 真正的山。 There's a real live burglar under my bed! 我床下面真有一个窃贼。 3.活泼的,有精神的,生气勃勃的。 a live man 精力旺盛的人。 live eyes 炯炯有神的眼睛。 the live murmur of a summer's day 夏天的虫声。 4.目前大家感觉兴趣的,当前的。 a live issue [question] 尚在争论中的问题。 5.(机器等)能开动的;传动的;动力发动的。 a live axle 传动轴。 6.燃烧着的。 live coals 燃烧着的炭。 a live hatred 盛怒。 7.装着炸药的实弹,有作用,充电的。 a live bomb 未爆炸的炸弹。 live shell shooting 实弹射击。 8.未使用过的;(岩石等)未采掘的;原状的。 live feathers 由活鸟身上拔下来的羽毛。 a live match 没擦过的火柴。 9.正在使用着的;(球等)正在玩的。 a live machine 可以使用的机器。 a live runway 现用跑道。 10.(稿子等)尚未排版的。 11.(空气)清新的;(颜色)鲜艳的。 live air 空气新鲜。 12.(参加)实况播送的。 It was a live broadcast, not a recording. 那是实况转播,不是录音。 adv. 在(表演)现场,从(表演)现场,实况地。 The trial was broadcast live from the courtroom. 审判情况是从审判室实况转播的。
The living pressure occupies the first place , thus the friendly family environment for study is nearly impossible 他们的父母迫于生活无力顾及子女的学习与教育,更无法营造有利于学习的家庭环境。
Specially make for the people who have skin problem , which caused by living pressure , tire - working accumulate , circumstance pollution or fast speed of life living rhythm 针对生活压力,疲劳积累和环境公害造成皮肤问题的快节奏生活人群。
Although it is difficult or even painful to change our habits sometimes such as our sleep , we become to rob our sleep time for living , dinner party or even entertainment and even our body and soul suffers long appendotomy without awakening or relieving . although we seek lots of reasons and helpless words such as heavy living pressure and complex social relationship and so forth , we must damage this habit when there is collision between bad habits and creation 有时候,尽管改变我们的习惯有困难甚至是痛苦,比如我们的睡眠,为了生计应酬或是消遣我们养成了掠夺睡眠时间的习惯,甚至于我们的身心遭受到日积月累的自残仍无觉醒或者无法解除,虽然我们为此堆砌了无数的理由和无奈的词句,沉重的生活压力,繁杂的社会关系但是当不良习惯与创新发生碰撞的时候,我们应该也必须跳出这种习惯。
With the more and more fierce competition in international shipping market the majority of middle and small size shipping company are confronting the crucial challenge and dealh - and - live pressure . and it has become to be the center focus of attention that how escape the plight and enhance the core competition ability . this article amis the service model and the optimization of vessels in hanshin line of jc shipping oo . , 随着国际集装箱运输市场竞争的日益激烈和残酷,大多数中小型航运企业因为资金和资源的不足,均面临着严峻的市场挑战和巨大的生存压力,如何摆脱困境,提高核心竞争力,实现企业中长期发展的战略目标,成为人们普遍关注和不断探求的热点问题。
The petroleum chemical industry with the activated charcoal evengrain - size distribution , the high benzene adsorption dynamics , wear - resisting , resists corrosion , the selective adsorption performance isoutstanding , mainly uses in the petroleum , the natural gas and thecarbonificated industry vapor phase live pressure adsorption , theliquid phase separation , the solvent recovery , the liquid and the gasproduct purifies , and is mad in the fluid product organic sulfideremoveing 均匀的粒度分布,高的苯吸附力,耐磨、耐蚀,选择吸附性能优异,主要用于石油、天然气及煤化工业的汽相变压吸附,液相分离,溶剂回收,液体及气体产品净化,及气液产品中的有机硫化物的去除。
The second part discusses the way of the public medium estate developmellt , it points out tha the respechve media institutions , thected by the economy , way gradually pushed to the market the from of its rmgemen was changed , the living pressure is becondng greater and greater , they can only be developed through their industrial arrangement 第二部分论述了大众传媒在九十年代的产业化发展之路,指出由于受市场经济的影响,各传媒机构被逐步推向市场,经营模式发生变化,生存压力变大,只有通过产业化的运作方式才能求发展。
This factory produces high grade xiongsheng the sign and sonia the sign series ear plug type , the ear suspension type , the head harness type general earphone , the adjustable live pressure power source , and the small household electrical appliances product . not only the product also is sold in distant markets deeply the domestic user appreciation us , countries and so on eastern europe and arab , deeply customer favor 本厂生产高质量“雄声xiongsheng ”牌和“ sonia ”牌系列耳塞式耳挂式头带式通用型耳机可调变压电源和小家电产品。产品不仅深受国内用户赞赏还远销美国,东欧和阿拉伯等国家,深受客户青睐。
However , there also exist more unsuitable behaviour and thinking : the fitting degree is small and low ; the expectation about future isn " t stable and uncertain , their psychological pressure is great ; contingency comes into being , farmers can " t be sure of the happenings , they have to follow others and think they were living happily in the old days an d now they aren " t ; cultural collision is great , they feel hard to follow the change of time ; the system is changing . their living pressure is large ; the felling of living on the edge is obvious with the emergence of gap of the rich and the poor ; they feel the human feeling is disappearing and become alone in the competing 但在经济体制改革中,农民表现出的不适应性行为与心理更多,既:对市场经济改革的适应程度比较低;预期不确定、不稳定,农民心理负担加重;偶然性出现,农民难以准确把握未来,怀旧、从众行为与心理难以避免;多元文化冲突加剧,农民心理适应难度大;体制转换,农民生存压力增大;穷富差距拉大,农民边缘感增强;竞争加剧,农民人情淡漠感、孤独失落感加大等。
With the social developing and the living pressure of people adding , with the demands for the high - qualified personnel in the society rising , more and more people want to accept all kinds of education and all types of training in order to improve their qualities . the desire is becoming stronger and stronger . as a result the training hot is arising in the society during the several years 随着社会的不断进步和生存竞争压力的不断增大,随着国家和社会对于人才素质要求的不断提高,人们对于希望通过接受各种形式的教育,希望通过接受各级各类的培训来达到提高自身素质目的的愿望在不断增强中,因此,近几年社会上出现了“培训热” ,培训行业正在成为一个新兴行业和热门行业。