Scutellaria extractive : scutellaria extractive is the active component which comes from the desiccative radix of scutellaria belonging to labiatae 我公司从唇形科植物黄芩的干燥根中提取的有效成分,可作为多种医药产品的生产商提供原料保障。
There are more than 100 kinds of acaricidal plants such as meliaceae , compositae , thymelaeaceae , solanaceae , leguminosae , chenopodiaceae , labiatae , umbelliferae etc 目前杀螨植物主要有楝科、菊科、瑞香科、茄科、豆科、藜科、唇形花科、伞形花科等共计约100余种。
The sesults show that there were 48 species ( variety ) of plant belonging to 14 families as hosts of b . tabaci , among which cucurbitaceae , solanaceae , cruciferae , euphorbiaceae , labiatae , leguminosae and malvaceae are the main host families , and the plants of families of cucurbitaceae and solanaceae are damaged most seriously 结果表明,烟粉虱的寄主有14科48种(变种) ,主要寄主植物是葫芦科、茄科、十字花科、豆科、锦葵科、菊科等;其中,茄科和葫芦科的植物受害最重。