The two roads of the birth of judaic - greek philosophy 希腊哲学诞生的两条通道
The judaic , christian and greek or roman ideologies that preceded this optimistic age had placed stress on the essentially tragic , incomplete nature of human life 在这个乐观时代前的犹太教,基督教,希腊罗马思想意识对人类生活本质上悲观性,不完整性施加了压力。
Jews also do not believe anyone can " die " as a " repentance " for anyone else , nor that god would have a " son " , nor has the concept of " original sin " ever been part of judaic belief or philosophy 犹太人也不相信任何人可以通过“死”来为其他任何人“赎罪” ,也不相信神有一个“儿子” ,甚至犹太人的信仰和哲学里面也完全没有“原罪”的概念。
I am anti - revisionism , as it becomes a movement more then a real honest intelligent pursuit . and we see it in culture , we see moral revisionism , where suddenly something that has always been classified as wrong in the judaic christian religion , and were talking about thousands of years here , not only christianity 我反对修正主义,因它已经演变为一种运动,不再只是为了探求真相和知识尤其在现今社会,被犹太教基督教视为错谬的事,在道德的修正主义下,往往变得广被接纳。
In suburbia we all got mixed together . atheists , agnostics and people of all faiths . people who lived by the ten commandments , and many people who did not live by the ten commandments . so the social moire of suburbia no longer was a force behind the moral and spiritual values dominated by the judaic christian culture 相同种族文化的连系一起居住在郊区,有无神论者和不可知论者,还有很多不同信仰的人,有以十诫为生活准则的人,也有很多不信奉十诫的人,主导犹太基督教组织的道德和灵性价值,不再主导著郊区居民的社交生活。