Liu jingnan president of wuhan uni - versity 刘经南武汉大学校长
Technical reconstruction of main transformer cooling system in jingnan hydropower plant 云岗矿南翼主扇励磁盘的技术改造
Daxing area eighth elementary school to be located jingnan energetically satellite chengnan energetically 大兴区第八小学位于京南大兴卫星城南。
Rang yu , a poet living in the middle of tang dynasty , returned hometown at the beginning of dali period and worked in the private secretariat of jingnan supply commissoner , and later acted as assistant to feudal provincial in penzhou 摘要中唐诗人戎昱从大历初年回到故乡在荆南节度使幕府中任职,到大历四年前后在澧州刺史府中作幕僚。
Owing to the effect of landform , the precipitation in the second stage of rain season is decreasing from the line of jingnan - yongchun - fuding to the northwest and southeast , the spatial distribution characteristics of other three rainy seasons and all year precipitation are decreasing from northwest to southeast 除后汛期因受地形的影响,降水量由南靖-永春-福鼎一线向西北和东南两边减少外,其它三个雨季和年总降水量空间分布大体上是从西北向东南逐渐递减。
Is located in jingnan first government office hejian , north near beijing , the tianjin two big cities , 106 federal highways crosses in my city , the immediate beijing - kowlon railway , the new moon yellow railroad , jinghutielu hand over the company , the transportation are very convenient , is you chooses the business partner most appropriate place 座落于京南第一府河间,北临京、津两大城市, 106国道在我市横穿而过,紧靠京九铁路、朔黄铁路、京沪铁路交连,交通十分便捷,是您选择生意合作伙伴最合适的地方。
Jingnan () (also called Nanping (南平)) was one of the Ten Kingdoms in south-central China created in 924, marking the beginning of the Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms Period (907-960).