a comic verse of irregular measure; "he had heard some silly doggerel that kept running through his mind" 同义词:doggerel, doggerel verse,
a metallic sound; "the jingle of coins"; "the jangle of spurs" 同义词:jangle,
make a sound typical of metallic objects; "The keys were jingling in his pocket" 同义词:jingle-jangle, jangle,
A jingle is a short tune used in advertising and for other commercial uses. The jingle contains one or more hooks and meaning that explicitly promote the product being advertised, usually through the use of one or more advertising slogans.
jingleとは意味:1jingle n. リンリン鳴る音; 調子のいい言葉, コマーシャル. 【動詞+】 ◆compose jingles for an advertising company 広告会社のためにコマーシャルを作る ◆The keys made a jingle. そのかぎ束がジャラジャラ鳴った. 【形容詞 名詞+】 ◆an advertising jingle コマーシャル ◆a hideous ji...