

  • 甲仙



  • 例句与用法
  • In september 2002 , the author began to practice english extracurricular teaching in jiaxian no . l senior middle school , henan province
  • Jiaxian rice , which was honored as a produce of famqus bond by the international agriculture fair in november , 2001 , and won the “ certificate of green food ” in the same year
    稼仙米2001年11月被国际农博会认定为名牌产品, 2001年12月荣获国家绿办颁发的“绿色食品证书” , 2002年元月被中国粮食行业协会评为“放心米” 。
  • In january , 2002 it was rated as “ fang xin me , which means ” , casting no doubt about its quality huaining people inherit the spirits of the “ two - bomb hero ” , deng jiaxian , in pursuance of the moral , “ do it best , and ualue honesty and sinerity ”
    “独秀故里稼仙米,稼先精神励其行” ,怀宁粮食人继承“两弹元勋”邓稼先的精神,追求卓越,注重诚信,生产的稼仙米无愧于中国粮食行业协会白美清会长的“民以食为天,好米数稼仙”的题词。
  • The order of the climate production potentiality is : fugu > jiaxian > jingbian > yuyang > shenmu > hengshan > dingbian , and the order soil production potentiality is : dingbian > shenmu > fugu > hengshan > yuyang > jiaxian > jingbian . at the same time , this paper describes the guiding suggestions to improve the cropland production potentiality
  • Jiaxian group coporation , which is a leading industrialized agricultural enterprise in our city , combines grain - buying , selling , storageand milling into its managing range . it purchases 200 thousand tons of grain per year , and produces 140 thousand tons of fine rice . the sales income adds up to 180 million yuan . it ' s among top list in terms of economic resalts of the enterprises of the same kind in our prvince
    稼仙集团公司是集粮食购、储、加、销于一体的市级农业产业化龙头企业,年稻谷收购量20万吨,加工大米14万吨,产品销售收入1 . 8亿元,经济效益连续多年居全省同行前列。
  • 推荐英语阅读
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