They took off his coat and cap and muffler and the kind of leather jerkin . 大家给脱去上衣、帽子、围巾、还有穿在里面的紧身皮上衣。
A coachman in a jerkin , who stood nearest , pounced on the piece of biscuit and snatched it up 一个站得最近的穿短上衣的车夫,扑过去,把饼干抓到手里。
Cardigans of light jerkin , when visiting northern myanmar in the cold season and an umbrella during the rainy season are suggested 在凉季参观北部地区时,建议穿开襟毛衫和小马夹;在雨季最好带上伞。
The german , on whom they were billeted , looked out of the cowshed , wearing a jerkin and a pointed cap , and holding a fork , with which he was clearing out the dung 德国主人穿一件毛衣,戴尖顶帽子,拿着叉子清除牛粪,他从牛栏里向外面瞥了一眼。当德国人一看见罗斯托夫,他的脸色顿时开朗起来。
" longxing btang " electric garment front knitting machines ( inkle loom ) are suitable for knitting the front of knitting garments ( jerkins ) . it can also knit the scarves and knitting belts made of wool , rabbit hair , synthetic fiber etc “龙星牌”电动门襟机(织带机) ,适用于编织针织服装(开衫)的门襟,也可以用于编织羊毛,兔毛,晴纶等绒线的围巾及针织带。
On the whole the male ' s dress go together with a bunch by jerkin tight the kuo trousers of ankle , female of the dress be a jerkin to go together with kuo long skirt , their many colorses gusset , representative east , south , west , north , medium five directions and gold , wood , water , fire , soil five line 大致上男性的服饰是以短上衣配束紧脚踝的阔长裤,女性的服饰是短上衣配阔长裙,她们的五色衣袖,代表着东、南、西、北、中五个方位和金、木、水、火、土五行。
When we had done this , we came back to our castle , and there i fell to work for my man friday ; and first of all , i gave him a pair of linnen drawers , which i had out of the poor gunners chest i mention d , and which i found in the wreck ; and which with a little alteration fitted him very well ; then i made him a jerkin of goat s - skin , as well as my skill would allow ; and i was now grown a tollerable good taylor ; and i gave him a cap , which i had made of a hare - skin , very convenient , and fashionable enough ; and thus he was cloath d for the present , tollerably well ; and was mighty well pleas d to see himself almost as well cloath d as his master : it is true , he went awkardly in these things at first ; wearing the drawers was very awkard to him , and the sleeves of the wastcoat gall d his shoulders , and the inside of his arms ; but a little easing them where he com plain d they hurt him , and using himself to them , at length he took to them very well 这不由得使我经常想到,上帝对世事的安排,自有其天意,在其对自己所创造的万物的治理中,一方面他剥夺了世界上许多生物的才干和良知,另一方面,他照样赋予他们与我们文明人同样的能力,同样的理性,同样的感情,同样的善心和责任感,也赋予他们同样的嫉恶如仇的心理他们与我们一样知道感恩图报,诚恳待人,忠贞不渝,相互为善。而且,当上帝给他们机会表现这些才干和良知时,他们和我们一样,立即把上帝赋予他们的才干和良知发挥出来做各种好事,甚至可以说比我们自己发挥得更充分。对此,我不能不感到惊讶。
a tight sleeveless and collarless jacket (often made of leather) worn by men in former times