Off with you , says martin to the jarvey “快走, ”马丁对车夫说。
The jarvey saved his life by furious driving as sure as god made moses 车把式拼死拼活地赶着车,就像天主创造了摩西那样地有把握,遂救了那家伙一命。
But as luck would have it the jarvey got the nag s head round the other way and off with him 运气还不错,车把式将驽马的头掉转过去,一溜烟儿疾驰而去。
He signed to the waiting jarvey who chucked at the reins and set on towards lord edward street 他向等候着的车夫打了个手势,车夫甩了甩缰绳,直奔爱德华勋爵街而去。
Outside the dublin distillers company s stores an outside car without fare or jarvey stood , the reins knotted to the wheel 都柏林制酒公司的栈房外面停着一辆游览车140 ,既没有乘客,也没有车把式,缰绳系在车轱辘上。
You seen queer sights , don t be talking , put in a jarvey . - why , the sailor said , shifting his partially chewed plug , i seen queer things too , ups and downs “当然喽, ”水手把他那嚼了一半的板烟挪了挪位置, “俺也瞧见过古怪玩艺儿,有趣儿的和可怕的。
Bloom was pointing out all the stars and the comets in the heavens to chris callinan and the jarvey : the great bear and hercules and the dragon and the whole jingbang lot 布卢姆把天上所有的星星和慧星都指给克里斯卡利南和车把式看:什么大熊座啦,武仙座啦,天座啦,和其他繁星。
Worcestershire is a county in western england , and formerly the location of a monastery of franciscan friars , one of whom saw a jarvey in the middle ages in the monastery ' s herbe garden ( fb ) 伍斯特郡是英格兰南部的一个郡,曾经是圣方济会修士们的修道院的所在地,中世纪的时候,有一个修士在修道院的花园里看到过一只土扒貂(神奇动物) 。
Worcestershire is a county in western england , and formerly the location of a monastery of franciscan friars , one of whom saw a jarvey in the middle ages in the monastery ' s herbe garden ( fb ) 伍斯特郡是英格兰南部的一个乡村,而且以前是圣方济会修士们的修道院的所在地,中世纪的时候,有一个修士在修道院的花园里看到了一只土扒貂( 《神奇动物在哪里》 ) 。
You don t happen to have such a thing as a spare chaw about you , do you ? the jarvey addressed , as it happened , had not but the keeper took a die of plug from his good jacket hanging on a nail and the desired object was passed from hand to hand 被招呼的车夫不巧没带着,可是老板却从挂在钉子上的一件考究的茄克衫里掏出一块骰子大小的板烟,就由顾客们把它传递到他手里。