

  • IOM =Isle of Man 马恩岛〔英国〕。



  • 例句与用法
  • The iom , which advises the government on health matters , in 2004 called for a joint attack on childhood obesity by parents , schools , communities , the food industry and government
    作为政府咨询健康问题的机构, iom在2004年提出父母、学校、社区、食品工业和政府联合起来防治肥胖。
  • The combined open reduction / internal fixation of the radial head with the closed reduction / internal fixation of the druj allowed the iom to have a chance to heal and gave stability to the forearm
  • In this paper , the inverse operator method ( iom ) is described , which has been developed in the past decade . this paper introduces the basic thought of method , steps as well as crucial technology
  • " we face a mounting public health crisis in drug safety , and definitie action must be taken . . . the iom committee ' s report is a crucial starting point , " the editors wrote
    编辑们写道“我们在药物安全性方面面临着越来越多的公共健康危机,必须采取确定的行动… … iom委员会的报告是一个关键性的起点。 ”
  • We present a rare case of a patient with a distal radioulnar joint ( druj ) dislocation , tear of the interosseous membrane ( iom ) and a fracture - dislocation of the radial head after trauma of the extended hand
  • Women in the study who followed the iom ' s recommendations ran four times the risk of having a child who was overweight at age 3 , compared to women who gained less than the advised amount
  • Through the study of three factors of a , s , c in lunan area , we have found that , under the modem natural conditions , the actual height of stone pillars is still increasing at the rate of 15 . 77mm / ka , and their visible height 639 . 6mm / ka , moreover , soil layer which is one of the most important driving forces for the heightening of stone forest is quickly becoming thiner and thiner at the speed of 623 . 83mm / ka
    同时,研究也表明,土壤co :的最大浓度主要出现在土下60一120cm ,土壤水的含量在土下60一80cm处也较大,由此决定了土下最大溶蚀强度主要分布在土下150cm内,包气带强溶蚀循环带的下限约在土下iom处。因此,在厚达数百米的路南群的覆盖之下,是不可能发育石林的。
  • The thesis consists of six chapters . content is dispatched as follows : chapter 1 introduces simply the network management . chapter 2 interprets the traditional network management , such as osi management , tmn management and internet management . chapter 3 describes the topology discovery . including the algorithm and the implementing mechanism . chapter 4 is the main chapter and will present the design of the integrated object model ( iom ) . chapter 5 integrates snmp to iom as an application ; chapter 6 , namely the last chapter , summarizes the whole thesis and prospects the future study
    内容安排:第一章对网络管理作了简单的介绍;第二章介绍了传统网络管理, osi管理, tmn管理和internet管理;第三章描述了拓扑发现的算法及具体实现机制;第四章是本文的重点,对网管模型- iom -作了具体的设计;第五章针对snmp作了集成的应用;最后一章对全文所做的工作做一个总结,并提出了进一步的展望。
  • 其他语种释义
  • iomとは意味

    IOM {略-1} : Institute of Medicine 《米》医学研究所{いがく けんきゅうじょ} ------------------------------------------------------------...

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