I do not remember that i had in all that time one thought that so much as tended either to looking upwards toward god, or inwards towards a reflection upon my own ways . 这么多年以来,我不记得曾经有一次想到上帝,或者反省一下自己的行为。
They think inwards . . . only about themselves 他们只在乎自身
They think inwards . only about themselves 他们只在乎自身
Turn inwards , and you will realize how many thoughts arise within 向内收束,才会知道自己起心动念有多少。
Enter a ship inwards outwards 申请船舶进港出港
But having started to spiral inwards , why have they then stopped 然而,既然已经开始螺旋向内运动,因何又停止了呢?
A rule of thumb ; animals and people should be facing and looking inwards 经验法则是:动物及人应面向或看着画的里面。
Caudal edges have to be straight or curving outwards , and not bending inwards 尾鳍边缘一定要直或是向外弯曲,不能向内弯折。