He defines the local population or deme as the group of potentially interbreeding individuals at a given locality . 他说地区的种群或居群是某一地区具有潜在杂交能力的个体的集群。
Wolves and dogs can interbreed and produce offspring 狼和狗能够异种交配而且繁育后代。
These two types of dog can interbreed / be interbred ( with each other ) 这两种类型的狗可以杂交繁殖
But recent research into our dna suggests that these two species may have interbred , 但是最近的dna研究表明这两个种族曾经通婚,
But recent research into our dna suggests that these two species may have interbred , 但是最近的对我们自身的dna研究表明这两大人种可能发生了混血
Gene flow the movement of alleles within and between populations of the same species through interbreeding 基因流动:同一种群内由于杂交或种内选择使某一等位基因在该种群内扩散。
Over time the groups diverge to the point that they can no longer interbreed if they are later brought together 过了一段时间之后,两群累积的遗传差异达到了即使相遇也无法混血的程度。
More interesting , when these ticklish rats were interbred for four generations , the offspring chirped twice as often as their great - grandparents 更有意思的是,这些喜欢痒痒的老鼠,经过4代之后,发出吱吱声的比率竟可达到它们的曾祖父母的2倍。
This obstacle splits a previously homogeneous population into two , preventing interbreeding between the new populations and allowing them to drift apart genetically 这种障碍将先前的均质族群分裂成两个,使?们无法交配,让?们各自遗传漂变而渐行渐远。
Related species that are not geographically isolated , and which could interbreed but in practice do not because of differences in behavior , breeding season , etc . , are called sympatric species 两个或更多相关物种之间无法互相杂交是因为地理隔离,这样的物种被称为异地种。