vt. 1.使燃烧,使炽热。 2.激怒;煽动,刺激。 3.加剧,使火上加油。 4.【医学】使红肿,使发炎。 be inflamed with rage 激怒。 inflamed eyes 红肿的眼睛。 The hills were inflamed with autumnal tints. 秋色染山一片红。 vi. 1.着火,燃烧。 2.激怒。 3.发炎。
cause inflammation in; "The repetitive motion inflamed her joint"
arouse or excite feelings and passions; "The ostentatious way of living of the rich ignites the hatred of the poor"; "The refugees'' fate stirred up compassion around the world"; "Wake old feelings of hatred" 同义词:stir up, wake, ignite, heat, fire up,
cause to start burning; "The setting sun kindled the sky with oranges and reds" 同义词:kindle, enkindle, conflagrate,
catch fire; "The dried grass of the prairie kindled, spreading the flames for miles" 同义词:kindle,
inflameとは意味:inflame v. …に炎症を起こす; 興奮させる, まっ赤になる. 【副詞1】 ◆an intensely inflamed rash ひどく赤くなっている吹出物 ◆painfully inflamed skin 痛みを伴って赤くはれた皮膚 ◆The skin around the incision became violently inflamed. 切開部分の周囲の皮膚がひどい炎症を起こし...