industry n. 1.勤劳,勤奋,刻苦。 2.工业,产业,实业,事业。 3.〔集合词〕资方。 4.有组织的劳动,经常的工作[努力]。 heavy [light] industry 重[轻]工业。 the automobile industry 汽车工业。 the sugar industry 制糖业。 the shipping industry 航海业。 the broadcasting industry 广播事业。 the beauty industry 美容业。
industrious adj. 勤恳的,刻苦的。 an industrious and simple style of work 艰苦朴素的工作作风。 adv. -ly ,-ness n.
He industriously engages in unostentatious hard work ... 埋头苦干。
She was industriously getting rid of the subject as they returned . 在她们回来的时候,她竭力避免这个话题。
She had to destroy all the hopes which she had been so industriously feeding . 她不得不来破坏所有她以往辛苦培植的希望。
She was always in the same place, always bent industriously over a piece of work . 她总是坐在一个地方,总是勤勉地弯着身子。
My fate was otherwise determined; the busy devil that so industriously drew me in had too fast hold of me to let me go back . 我的命运却注定不是这样;那个拉我走进罪恶之途的殷勤的魔鬼把我抓得太紧,绝不让我回去。
Has it not been industriously circulated by yourself 这不全是你自己拼命传出去的吗?
Has it not been industriously circulated by yourselves 这不全是你自己拚命传出去的吗?
Chef ' s moral character is cooking industriously . cooking with heart and soul 人生格言;烹饪是文化,是艺术,重在继续,贵在创新,创新是厨师的生命力。
And the third simulation , in the affirmative ; when a man industriously , and expressly , feigns and pretends to be that he is not 第三是作伪,是积极的,就是一个人有意并且显著地装出他实际非是的那种为人来。
The pronoun of upscale product in follow under the idea hair industriously cultivate of the business enterprise will become the wet goods market 在顺意发企业的辛勤耕耘下将成为酒类市场中高档产品的代名词。