At this dim inceptive stage of the day tess seemed to clare to exhibit a dignified largeness both of disposition and physique , an almost regnant power , possibly because he knew that at that preternatural time hardly any woman so well endowed in person as she was likely to be walking in the open air within the boundaries of his horizon ; very few in all england . fair women are usually asleep at midsummer dawns 在一天中这个朦胧的最初的阶段,克莱尔觉得苔丝似乎在性格和形体两个方面都表现出一种尊贵和庄严,那几乎就是一种女王的力量,也可能是因为他知道,在外貌上像苔丝那样天赋丽质的女子,都不大会在这个奇异的时刻里走进露天里来,走进他的视线的范围以内这在全英国是非常少的。
Fermentation experiments on the level of 5l , 20l and 80l jars were carried out . the inceptive glucose condensation was kept and controlled below 1 % through the supply of glucose during the fermentation period . the productivity was improved 40 % compared with the common fermentation technics after the optimization 经5l , 20l和80l发酵罐发酵实验,在确定不改变初始糖浓度的情况下,通过补糖保持发酵液中糖浓度不低于1 ,结合发酵后期补糖方案,可比常规发酵的产量提高近40 。