livery livery1 adj. 1.像肝的。 2.有肝病征状的。 n. 1.(侍从、仆人穿的)特别制服,号衣。 2.伦敦各种行会会员的制服;伦敦同业工会会员。 3.〔古语〕侍从,仆从。 4.〔诗〕鸟等的服装、装束。 5.(马的)日粮;(人的)口粮,配给粮食。 6.=livery stable. (马的)马房。 7.【法律】财富所有权的让渡(批准书)。 8.各种车辆出租行。 the livery of spring 春天的服装。 the livery of grief [woe] 丧服。 livery and bait 马的口粮。 at livery (马)付饲料[或费用]托人代养(着) ( keep a horse at livery 领饲料代人养马;付饲料托人养马;出租马)。 in livery 穿着制服。 out of livery 不穿制服,穿着便衣。 sue (for) one's livery (继承人)向法院申诉要求让渡财产。 take up one's livery 入同业公会。 the livery of sb.'s opinion 借用某人的意见。
They had a footman in livery with them . 她们有一个穿着号衣的男仆人照应着。
Suddenly a footman in livery came running out of the wood . 突然有一个穿制服的听差从树林里跑出来。
I saw some servants in livery in his house 我在他家里看到一些穿着制服的仆人。
Another servant in livery opened the door 另一个穿制服的仆人打开了门。
Negro servants too in livery if she had money . othello black brute . eugene stratton 她说要是有钱,还想雇上几名穿号衣的黑皮肤仆役呢。
In her right hand a huge book of hours shone in the sunlight , and very slowly she crossed the square , followed some fifteen paces off by a footman in livery 她的右手拿着一本厚厚的祈祷书,书面在阳光下闪闪发光。她慢悠悠地穿过广场,离她十五步远,跟着一个身穿制服的听差。
As natasha walked beside her mother , behind a footman in livery , who made way for them through the crowd , she heard the voice of some young man speaking in too loud a whisper about her 娜塔莎陪伴着母亲,跟着一个穿制服的仆人穿过人群的时候,听见一个年轻人用过高的耳语声谈论她:
It was opened by another footman in livery , with a round face , and large eyes like a frog ; and both footmen , alice noticed , had powdered hair that curled all over their heads 另一个穿着制服,长着圆脸庞和像青蛙一样大眼睛的仆人开了门,爱丽丝注意到这两个仆人,都戴着涂了脂的假发。
Powdered footmen in livery , wearing slippers and stockings , stood at every door , anxiously trying to follow every movement of the guests and club members , so as to proffer their services 假发上扑有香粉的仆人,都穿着仆役制服长袜和矮?皮鞋,伫立在每一道门旁,很紧张地注意观察俱乐部的客人和成员的每个动作,以便上前侍候。
For a minute or two she stood looking at the house , and wondering what to do next , when suddenly a footman in livery came running out of the wood - she considered him to be a footman because he was in livery : otherwise , judging by his face only , she would have called him a fish - and rapped loudly at the door with his knuckles 她站在小房跟前看了一两分钟,想着下一步该干什么。突然间,一个穿着制服的仆人她认为仆人是由于穿着仆人的制服,如果只看他的脸,会把他看成一条鱼的从树林跑来,用脚使劲儿地踢着门。