imitate the virtues of great and good men 仿效伟大善良人们的美德。 imitate the strokes of model Chinese calligraphy 临摹字帖的笔法。 Wood is often painted to imitate stone. 木料制品常被人们涂以油漆冒充石料制品。
reproduce someone''s behavior or looks; "The mime imitated the passers-by"; "Children often copy their parents or older siblings" 同义词:copy, simulate,
appear like, as in behavior or appearance; "Life imitate art"
imitateとは意味:imitate v. まねる. 【副詞1】 ◆The package design closely imitates that of our product. その包装のデザインはわが社の製品の包装デザインにそっくりだ ◆consciously imitate another 意識的に他人のまねをする ◆He eagerly imitated her feminism. 彼女の男女同権主義を熱心に...