identical adj. 同一的;同样的;【数学】恒等的 (with); 【生物学】同卵的。 on the identical day 在同一天。 the identical person 同一人。 an identical conception 【逻辑学】同一概念。 identical twins 【生物学】同卵双生 (cf. fraternal twin)。 identical equation 【数学】恒等式,全等式。 adv. -ly 同一;同样。
Through optimizing the liquid uv - curable composition ( kind of oligomer , concentration of active diluent , photoinitiator and additive ) , we have got a kind of better ingredient , as follows : pua 100 % and additive ( tf , ab and nanometer additive mnip0220 ) 100 % . ( 4 ) compares hs - spme ( made of above ingredient ) with routine hs method under the identic measuring condition . take pepper for example , the area of responsing peak of main component is 62052680 in hs - spme and 38263 in hs ( 10u1 ) , a enrichment multiple of 1622 , which is proved that this spme coating has a better enrichment ability ( 4 )用自制spme装置的hs一spme和常规hs方法进行了比较,在同样测定条件下,用自制的spme装置对胡椒进行hs一spme一gc一ms与常规hs方法进样10拼1进行比较,自制的spme装置对某组分的响应峰面积为62052680 ,而进样10pl对其组分的响应峰面积为38263 ,富集倍数为1622倍,说明自制spme装置具有很强的富集能力。