Large dose of olanzapine in the ictus treatment of agitated symptoms of schizophrenia 奥氮平大剂量冲击治疗精神分裂症激越症状
Analysis of the curative effect of methylprednisolone ictus therapy for refractory nephrotic syndrome 甲基强的松龙冲击治疗难治性肾病综合征疗效分析
Clinical analysis of 48 cases of sle treated with ictus treatment of large dose methylprednisolone 大剂量甲基强的松龙冲击疗法治疗系统性红斑狼疮48例临床分析
Match is a platform of communication and a stage of expressing mien . we played the ictus of fighting 比赛是交流的平台,是展现风采的舞台,我们奏出的是拼搏的强音。
It corresponded clinically to a remote ictus , or suddent event many years ago , and anatomically was limited to the superior frontal gyrus 相应在临床是是早年的突发病灶,解剖上局限在额上回内。
A variety of signal profiles may be seen in this disease , depending on the mr technique employed , and the time after ictus 根据使用的磁共振技术和发病后的时间,可以从磁共振图像上观察到这种疾病的所表现出的多样性。
Acutely ( within hours of the ictus ) , the t1 - weighted images usually demonstrate abnormally low signal ; the t2 - weighted images abnormally high signal 急性期(发病数小时内) , t1加权像显示异常低信号; t2加权像显示异常高信号。
Lifelong learning and lifelong education are the strongest ictus in this century . the right attitude towards learning is the premise of lifelong education . otherwise , some people who have high degree may still be functional illiterate 研究学习态度具有以下几点意义: ( 1 )终身教育、终身学习是时代的强音,良好的学习态度是终身学习的前提,否则高学历者仍有可能成为功能性文盲。
a sudden occurrence (or recurrence) of a disease; "he suffered an epileptic seizure" 同义词:seizure, raptus,