She thinks hairy chests are a turn-on ! 她觉得胸部有毛很让人兴奋!
Two huge, hairy ears stuck up above the snowdrift . 一对偌大的,毛茸茸的耳朵竖起在雪堆上。
Two hairy monsters flew at my throat, bearing me down . 两只毛茸茸的畜生扑上我的喉头,把我撞倒在地。
He had taken that brooding, hairy monkey into his heart . 他竟把那么一只闷忧忧,毛茸茸的猴子引为知己。
Plants from equatorial regions have large, thin sparsely hairy leaves . 在赤道地区其植物叶片大而薄,并被以稀毛。
A mountain range shown by this method can look like a hairy caterpillar . 采用这种方法表示的山脉看上去象一条毛虫。
He stood with bare feet in deep orange shag a hairy man of small stature . 他是一个汗毛很重的矮个子,光着脚站在深桔色的地毯上。
The engine sowed cinders and soot over the fiery flowers and the hairy knobs of weed . 火车烟囱喷出的煤屑和煤烟,纷纷落在田间怒放的野花和毛茸茸的杂草茎节上。
A sleep or awake, reading or snoring, fat or thin, hairy or bald, the insulation of their red or pale faces was complete . 不管睡着的醒着的,看书的打鼾的,胖的瘦的,有发的秃顶的,他们红润的或者苍白的脸上那种孤芳自赏的神气都是十足的。
They stink, they're hairy, and they look wretched 他们臭哄哄的毛又多真讨人厌