Heidi ' s innocence softens her grandfather ' s heart , and she finds adventures every day up on the mountain with the poor goatherd peter 长居于山上的爷爷跟村民十分疏远,但其冷漠之心也被纯真的凯迪融化了…牧童彼得自幼也失去父爱,跟凯迪一见如故。
The favorite bedtime story about the origin of coffee goes like this : once upona time in the land of arabia felix ( or in ethiopia , if an ethiopian is telling the story ) , there lived a goatherd named kaldi 在睡前讲述的有关咖啡起源的故事中,最受欢迎的故事是这样的:很久很久以前,在阿拉伯的费利克斯(如果是埃塞俄比亚人在讲这个故事,会说在埃塞俄比亚) ,住着一个名叫卡迪的牧羊人。
a person who tends a flock of goats 同义词:goat herder,