The corinthian painter's primary ornamental device was the animal frieze . 科林斯画家最初的装饰图案是动物形象的装饰带。
The friezes round the top of the wall are delicate 墙顶的横条很精致。
The man in the frieze coat , brandishing his arms in the air , was shouting 一个穿厚呢子军大衣的人举手叫喊道:
The man in the frieze coat was reading the placard of the 31st of august 穿厚呢大衣的人读起了八月三十一日的布告。
He was dressed in a frieze tunic , blue trousers and big , torn , high boots 这家伙穿一件粗呢女外衣,蓝色裤子,一双裂开了的骑兵大靴子。
Andy stands before the dais . the judge peers down , framed by a carved frieze of blind lady justice on the wall 安迪站在审判台前,法官向下凝视着他,身后是嵌在墙上的正义女神像。
Each put on a coarse straw bonnet , with strings of coloured calico , and a cloak of grey frieze 每个人都戴上一个粗糙的草帽,帽子上拴着用染色白布做成的带子,同时还披上了黑粗绒料子的斗篷。
" what ' s the matter with the old man attending to him personally ? " said a voice from the frieze ulster “一直私下里照顾他的那个老人是怎么回事? ”一个穿着宽松的粗呢长外套人发出这样的询问声。
Mrs breen in man s frieze overcoat with loose bellows pockets , stands in the causeway , her roguish eyes wideopen , smiling in all her herbivorous buckteeth 一起低下头去表示同意我们大多认为大概是这么回事。
By the wall of the kitay - gorod there was another small group of people gathered about a man in a frieze coat , who held a paper in his hand 在中国城的城墙附近,另有一小堆人围着一个穿厚呢大衣的人,他手里拿着一份文件。