Mapeamento geol骻ico do Domo de Araguainha utilizando t閏nicas de sensoriamento remoto.
Informa珲es geol骻icas preliminares sobre a estrutura vulc鈔ica de Araguainha, Mato Grosso.
Araguainha Dome ( Goi醩 ) and Serra da Cangalha ( Mato Grosso ) : probable astroblemes?
A magnetotelluric investigation of the Araguainha impact structure in Mato Grosso-Goi醩, central Brazil.
Rotational properties of the magnetotelluric impendance tensor the example of the Araguainha impact crater, Brazil.
Aerial crystallization of hematite in impact bombs from the Araguainha astrobleme, Mato Grosso, central Brazil.
Electrical condutivity and crustal deformation from magnetotelluric results in the region of the Araguainha impact, Brazil.
The Araguainha crater in Brazil has been most recently dated to 254.7 ?2.5 million years ago, overlapping with estimates for the Permo-Triassic boundary.
The estimated energy released by the Araguainha impact is insufficient to be a direct cause of the global mass extinction, but the colossal local earth tremors would have released huge amounts of oil and gas from the shattered rock.
The "'Araguainha Crater "'or "'Araguainha Dome "'is an impact crater on the border of Mato Grosso and Goi醩 states, Brazil, between the villages of Araguainha and Ponte Branca.