

  • 阿拉瓜伊尼亚
  • 例句与用法
  • Mapeamento geol骻ico do Domo de Araguainha utilizando t閏nicas de sensoriamento remoto.
  • Informa珲es geol骻icas preliminares sobre a estrutura vulc鈔ica de Araguainha, Mato Grosso.
  • Araguainha Dome ( Goi醩 ) and Serra da Cangalha ( Mato Grosso ) : probable astroblemes?
  • A magnetotelluric investigation of the Araguainha impact structure in Mato Grosso-Goi醩, central Brazil.
  • Rotational properties of the magnetotelluric impendance tensor  the example of the Araguainha impact crater, Brazil.
  • Aerial crystallization of hematite in impact bombs from the Araguainha astrobleme, Mato Grosso, central Brazil.
  • Electrical condutivity and crustal deformation from magnetotelluric results in the region of the Araguainha impact, Brazil.
  • The Araguainha crater in Brazil has been most recently dated to 254.7 ?2.5 million years ago, overlapping with estimates for the Permo-Triassic boundary.
  • The estimated energy released by the Araguainha impact is insufficient to be a direct cause of the global mass extinction, but the colossal local earth tremors would have released huge amounts of oil and gas from the shattered rock.
  • The "'Araguainha Crater "'or "'Araguainha Dome "'is an impact crater on the border of Mato Grosso and Goi醩 states, Brazil, between the villages of Araguainha and Ponte Branca.
  • 更多例句:  1  2
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