

  • 环柄菇属
  • 例句与用法
  • She has also made numerous new taxonomic combinations in " Lepiota, Rhodocybe, Tricholoma ", and others.
  • The mushroom is similar to the widespread species " Lepiota cristata " but can be distinguished by its smaller spores.
  • Some deadly poisonous " Lepiota " species have a similar pattern of scales on the cap, but their fruitbodies are smaller.
  • It is the only member of " Lepiota " known to have a pink spore print instead of the usual white or cream color.
  • "Lepiota cristatanea " is known only from Yunnan Province, China, where it grows singly or in groups on humus-rich soils.
  • One problem with the green gilled parasol, Leathers says, is that they strongly resemble the edible lepiota rachodes mushroom, which also sprouts in the Phoenix area.
  • It was first described by Louis-Luc Godey in 1874 as " Lepiota brebissonii ", and moved to " Leucocoprinus " by Marcel Locquin in 1943.
  • Vernacular names for the mushroom include " malodorous lepiota ", " " brown-eyed parasol ", the " burnt-rubber lepiota ", and the " stinking dappling ".
  • Vernacular names for the mushroom include " malodorous lepiota ", " " brown-eyed parasol ", the " burnt-rubber lepiota ", and the " stinking dappling ".
  • Originally, Harmaja believed " Lepiota lignicola " sufficiently distinct from other similar taxa to deserve its own genus " Amylolepiota ", which he described in a 2002 publication.
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