She has also made numerous new taxonomic combinations in " Lepiota, Rhodocybe, Tricholoma ", and others.
The mushroom is similar to the widespread species " Lepiota cristata " but can be distinguished by its smaller spores.
Some deadly poisonous " Lepiota " species have a similar pattern of scales on the cap, but their fruitbodies are smaller.
It is the only member of " Lepiota " known to have a pink spore print instead of the usual white or cream color.
"Lepiota cristatanea " is known only from Yunnan Province, China, where it grows singly or in groups on humus-rich soils.
One problem with the green gilled parasol, Leathers says, is that they strongly resemble the edible lepiota rachodes mushroom, which also sprouts in the Phoenix area.
It was first described by Louis-Luc Godey in 1874 as " Lepiota brebissonii ", and moved to " Leucocoprinus " by Marcel Locquin in 1943.
Vernacular names for the mushroom include " malodorous lepiota ", " " brown-eyed parasol ", the " burnt-rubber lepiota ", and the " stinking dappling ".
Vernacular names for the mushroom include " malodorous lepiota ", " " brown-eyed parasol ", the " burnt-rubber lepiota ", and the " stinking dappling ".
Originally, Harmaja believed " Lepiota lignicola " sufficiently distinct from other similar taxa to deserve its own genus " Amylolepiota ", which he described in a 2002 publication.