I always say , every four - legged sidekick - - 我常说每个四只腿的伙计
I always say , every four - legged sidekick - 我常说每个四只腿的伙计
When it comes to famous four - legged friends , cats rule 只要提到家喻户晓的人类四脚朋友,猫咪独占鳌头!
We can clone your four - legged loved one in just a few short hours 我们可以在几个小时之内克隆那些你所喜爱的四条腿的小动物。
But our favorite of ' bot of all is the four - legged mechanical pack mules known as the bigdog 但我们特别喜爱的机器人全是四腿的机械骡子,就象有名的“大狗” 。
Signs , banners and even four - legged companion animals spread the word about china ' s dog and cat fur trade 标志、标语,甚至还有遍布世界各地的四条腿的动物都在反对中国的猫狗皮毛交易!
We discussed the three - phase four - legged inverter with a novel three - dimensional space vector modulation ( 3d - svm ) in this paper 本文的研究对象是采用了三维空间矢量控制的三相四桥臂逆变器。
The animal would have been a primitive sauropod - - a long - necked , four - legged grazer similar to the better known brachiosaurs 这只恐龙很可能是原始的蜥脚类亚目动物- -长颈、四条腿的食草动物,类似于我们较为熟悉的腕足类恐龙。
M ostly , the copper ding was round with three legs , but also had the four - legged one . si muwu , the copper ding was the most well known ding with four legs 鼎大多为三足圆形,但也有四足的方鼎,司母戊鼎便是最负盛名的四足大方鼎。
A museum that displays animals with shocking physical abnormalities in a cave near the west bank city of hebron will be adding its newest exhibit this week : a four - legged chicken 希伯伦市内有一家建于山洞里的特殊博物馆,该馆专门展出各种畸形动物,那里将于本周内增加一件最新的展品:一只身上长着4条腿的鸡。