There will also be symptoms of foremilk hindmilk imbalace caused by too much intake of foremilk in proportion to hindmilk 按比例而言,由于吃下的前奶过多,婴儿还会出现前后奶不平衡的症状。
A common cause of fussy , colic - like symptoms in babies is foremilk - hindmilk imbalance ( also called oversupply syndrome , too much milk , etc . ) and / or forceful let - down 一个常见的引起类似绞痛症状的哭闹的原因,就是前奶-后奶失衡(也被称为过度供给综合症,奶量太多等等)和/或奶阵来的太强烈。
milky fluid secreted for the first day or two after parturition 同义词:colostrum,