Nobody likes this florid style with little content . 没有人喜欢这种缺乏内容的华丽文风。
The florid introduction was wasted on the governor . 这样吹捧的介绍,对总督来说,是白白浪费。
A large urbane and florid and smooth-faced man walked out . 一个身材高大,态度和蔼,脸色红润的人走了出来。
He said in a suddenly florid tone-it is the realization of a dream . 他突然用卖弄的口气说--这是我们梦想的实现。
I had expected that mr. gatsby would be a florid and corpulent person in his middle years . 我本来以为盖茨比先生是个红光满面,肥头大耳的中年人。
I remember the portrait of him up in gatsby's bedroom, a gray, florid old man . 我记得他那张挂在盖茨比卧室里的相片,一个头发花白,服饰花哨的老头子。
That florid sociable personage became more interesting to him since he had seen rosemond . 自从他见到罗莎蒙德以后,这位显赫一时的社会名流在他眼中已有了新的意义。
It was an odd, florid challenge from someone who called himself "muhammad the prophet of god. " 这是一个自称为“真主的使者穆罕默德”的人写来的一封奇特而绚丽的挑战书。
Hanley was a huge, florid man, with an outwardly bullying manner, which concealed a shy man underneath . 汉利身材魁梧,仪表堂堂,表面看来有一股气势汹汹的样子,骨子里却是个胆小害羞的人。
The screen was an old one, of gilt spanish leather, stamped and wrought with a rather florid louis-quatorze pattern . 屏风已经旧了,是用镀金的西班牙皮革做的,上边有比较花哨的路易十四式的图案。
inclined to a healthy reddish color often associated with outdoor life; "a ruddy complexion"; "Santa''s rubicund cheeks"; "a fresh and sanguine complexion" 同义词:rubicund, ruddy, sanguine,
elaborately or excessively ornamented; "flamboyant handwriting"; "the senator''s florid speech" 同义词:aureate, flamboyant,