a thin wire (usually tungsten) that is heated white hot by the passage of an electric current
a threadlike structure (as a chainlike series of cells) 同义词:filum,
the stalk of a stamen
a very slender natural or synthetic fiber 同义词:fibril, strand,
filamentとは意味:filament n. 繊維; 〔電気〕 フィラメント. 【動詞+】 ◆The cocoon filament is wound off on a reel. 繭(まゆ)の糸を糸巻に巻き取る. 【+動詞】 ◆The filament has blown . (電球の)フィラメントが切れた ◆The filament has snapped. 繊維がプッツリ切れた. 【形容詞 名詞+】 ◆a thr...