absence n. 1.不在,缺席,缺勤 (opp. presence)。 2.缺乏,缺少,无。 3.心不在焉,不注意。 absencefrom (school, office) 缺(课),缺(席),缺(工),缺(勤),不在。 absence in (London) 暂离某地而在(伦敦)。 absence of mind 心不在焉,心神不定。 absence of reason 发狂。 in sb.'s absence 当某人不在时,背地里。 in the absence of 无…时,缺少…时。 leave of absence 请假,准假。 absence without leave 擅离职守。
father n. 1.父亲;〔口语〕爸爸〔妻子对公公,女婿对岳丈通常也这样称呼〕;义父,继父。 2.族长;祖先;前辈,长辈。 3.〔F-〕 圣父,上帝。 4.神父;教父;师傅;修道院长;早期基督教作家。 5.〔英国〕(议会等的)元老;前辈,长者;创造人,开山祖师,鼻祖;根源。 6.父亲的身分[情分],父(性)爱。 7.〔pl.〕 (古罗马的)元老院议员。 Is your father a glazier 〔戏谑语〕你父亲是装玻璃的么? 〔指责别人挡了光线〕。 The child is father of [to] the man. 〔谚语〕从小看大,三岁看老。 Like father, like son. 〔谚语〕有其父必有其子。 The wish is father to the thought. 希望是思想之父;有什么希望就有什么想法。 fathers of a city 城市的耆老。 the F- of English poetry 英国诗歌之父(指乔叟)。 F- of the City 市参议员。 be a father to 像爹一样对待…。 be gathered to one's fathers 去见祖宗,死。 F- Christmas 〔英国〕圣诞老人。 father of the Bar 年长律师。 sleep [lie] with one's fathers 埋葬在故乡。 the F- of lies 魔鬼。 the F- of lights 上帝。 the father of his country 国父。 the F- Thames 泰晤士河。 the F- of waters 江河之父(指伊洛瓦底江,尼罗河或密西西比河)。 the Holy F- 教皇。 the Pilgrim Fathers 【英史】最初移居美国的清教徒。 vt. 1.做…的父亲,生(孩子);创作,产生(新著作等);创立(计划等)。 2.自认是…的父亲;自认是…的作者[创立人](等)。 3.像父亲一样对待,保护;治理。 4.确定(作品等)的作者;确定(儿童的)生父;确定(罪行的)责任。 He fathered two sons. 他生了两个儿子。 father an orphan 收养孤儿。 Investigations fathered the baby on him. 调查结果证明他就是那孩子的生父。 father a crime upon the suspect 确定该嫌疑犯即是作案者。 adj. -less 没有父亲的,生父不明的。 adj. -like ,adv. 父亲般的[地]。
Effect of father absence on child ' s mental development 父亲缺失对儿童心理发展的影响
On the 26th of february , 1807 the old prince set off on a tour of inspection . prince andrey was staying at bleak hills , as he usually did in his fathers absence 一八七年二月二十六日,老公爵离开家园乘车前往管辖区视察,在父亲离开的时候,安德烈公爵多半待在童山。
Fifty - eight years i have lived in the worldnever have i seen anything so disgraceful . and exacting from pierre his word of honour not to say a word about all he was to hear , marya dmitryevna informed him that natasha had broken off her engagement without the knowledge of her parents ; that the cause of her doing so was anatole kuragin , with whom pierres wife had thrown her , and with whom natasha had attempted to elope in her fathers absence in order to be secretly married to him 玛丽亚德米特里耶夫娜要皮埃尔保证对他知道的全部情况秘而不宣,并且告诉他,娜塔莎未经父母亲许可便拒绝未婚夫了,皮埃尔的妻子把她和阿纳托利库拉金撮合在一起,因此他是拒绝婚事的祸根,娜塔莎正想趁父亲不在家时与他私奔,其目的在于秘密举行婚礼。