Effect of temperature on the eui gene expression of tgms rice 水稻温敏不育系育性与温度关系初探
The fifth hwanung , da eui bahls youngest son was taeho bokhi 第五个桓雄季白最小的儿子是太昊伏羲。
The effect of different eui genes on biological characters of e - hybrid rice 杂交稻若干生物学特性的影响
Eui electronic unit injector 电子单元喷射
" with this simulator training tool , we can conduct not only normal deliveries , but also complicated deliveries such as breech births , caesarean deliveries , " professor jung eui told reuters television 庆熙大学教授jung eui介绍说: “通过这种可以发声的产妇机器人,我们不但能够应对普通的生产,还可以处理许多难产情况。