Their daughter is quite plump but their son is positively elephantine 他们的女儿很胖;可是儿子呢,简直像大象
A more apt elephantine expression is found in swahili : when two elephants fight it is the grass that gets hurt 一个更贴切的,对巨大的表达在班图语里是:当两头大象打架的时候,受伤的是草皮。
I have just been telling you what i think , in order to explain why the elephantine gambols of madame tetralani spoil the orchestra for me 我刚才只是告诉你我的感想。目的是解释特绰兰尼夫人那大象式的蹦蹦跳跳为什么在我眼里破坏了歌剧。
of great mass; huge and bulky; "a jumbo jet"; "jumbo shrimp" 同义词:gargantuan, giant, jumbo,