The science of electrostatics is ancient, yet novel . 静电学这门科学是悠久的,但又是崭新的。
The science of electrostatics lay dormant for about 2, 000 years . 静电学沉睡了大约2,000年。
Electrostatics refers to stationary arrangements of electrical charge . 静电指的是电荷的静止分布。
It would be beneficial to review the fundamental theory of electrostatics . 因此有必要对静电的基本理论作一简介。
Coluomb's discovery of the inverse square law forms the basis of the science of electrostatics . 库伦发现的平方反比定律构成为静电学的科学基础。
By combining electrostatics with photoconductivity, carlson had found the right basic concept . 卡尔森把静电学和光电导性结合起来,得出了正确的基本概念。
Electrostatics is currently being used for separation of minerals, for paint spraying, and for dry coating applications . 静电学目前正被应用于矿物分离喷漆和干法涂料。
The writing of formulas with elements and radicals that have a fixed valence is easy, if a knowledge of electrostatics is applied . 运用静电学知识写出具有固定化合价的元素和原子团组成的物质的分子式比较容易。
Methods for measurement in electrostatics - test methods 静电测量方法.试验方法
The science of electrostatics lay dormant for about 2 , 000 years 静电学沉睡了大约2 , 000年。