Methods based on electrometric measurements involving a galvanic cell may be utilized to determine the oxygen content of a gas . 以电测法(包括原电池)为基础的方法可以用来测定气体的含氧量。
Determination of oxidation - reduction potential electrometric method 氧化还原电位的测定
Standard test method for salts in crude oil electrometric method 原油中盐的标准试验方法
Test method for salts in crude oil electrometric method 电势滴定法测定原油中盐的试验方法
Petroleum hydrocarbons - determination of bromine index - electrometric titration 石油烃类溴指数测定法
Industrial circulating cooling water - determination of ph - electrometric method 工业循环冷却水中ph值的测定电位法
Ph - measurement . vocabulary . electrometric ph - measurement by a glass electrode Ph值测量.词汇.用玻璃电极法测量ph值
Determination of bromine index for industrial alkylbenzene - electrometric titration method 工业烷基苯溴指数的测定电位滴定法
05 . 02 bromine index of petroleum hydrocarbons by electrometric titration , test method for 电势滴定法测定石油烃类溴指数的方法
Standard test method for bromine index of petroleum hydrocarbons by electrometric titration 电位滴定法测定石油烃溴指数的试验方法