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  • 例句与用法
  • The paper analyses and finds the factors affecting the insulation of electrobath short circuit ora and gives feasible measures to solve this . after reconstruction the insulation performance of the electrobath is raised
  • With the rapid development of the technology of computer and automation , the computer control system is widely used in the manufacture of al electrolysis and the efficiency is improved and the life - span of the electrobath is increased
  • To select a cylindrical plane cathode ; to design proper focus electrodes in order to control the formation of beam in methods of solving equations , electrobath and simulation aided by computer . to correct effects of anode hole and work out curves of designing guns ; to discuss plasma cathode guns at last
  • Finally , considering the request of the gfrp bars reinforced furan resin concrete electrobath , we designed the structure of the electrobath and use finite element method to analyse it . in the process , pre - stress also was considered . the result of use in practice indicate the properties of gfrp bars can meet the request of electrobath structure
  • The silicon plates are formed reverse four wimble array in koh solution by wet - etching technology . then the electrochemical etching experiments are done in three poles electrobath . and some technology questions such as heat oxygenation , light etching , wet etching and electrochemical etching have been analyzed . at the same time sample appearances are analyzed by scanning electron microscope . according to current burst model theory , the electrochemical deep holes etching mechanism are analyzed
  • 推荐英语阅读
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