The news electrified the admiralty . 这个消息,使英国海军部大为震动。
The national railways have now been electrified .. 全国铁路现已电气化了。
He needs money to electrify his surface lines . 他需要钱把他的地面铁路电气化。
The body is electrified . 该物体带电。
An electrified wire can be strung along the outer edges of this flange . 在外缘引上一条通了电的电线。
Only 16 percent of american homes were electrified in 1912 . 到1912年,只有百分之十六的美国家庭使用电力。
She was first transfixed with surprise, and then electrified with delight . 她先是惊奇得愣住了,后来又欢喜得发呆。
Some of the noise comes from man-made sources such as electrified trains . 有些噪音是电气化列车这样人为来源产生的。
"cheers for edgar poe!" roared the assemblage, electrified by their president's words . “为埃德加坡而欢呼!”听众叫道,他们都被主席的话打动了。
That electrifying news would telegraph itself around the st. gregory tomorrow morning within minutes of the great man's arrival . 这个令人震惊的消息在这位大人物明天早晨抵达后,不出几分钟便会不胫而走地传遍整个圣格雷戈里饭店。