

  • EK =Eastman Kodak Company 〔美国〕柯达公司。



  • 例句与用法
  • The scholar foolishly t ek the school cooling pool mfor swimming pool
  • Toxicity of 15 insecticides to brontispa longissima gestro and asecodes hispinarum bou ek , a parasitoid of b . longissima
  • Accessory parts for small transformers and chokes ; brackets for cores type e , ed , ee , ef and ek ; printed circuits , magnetic axis horizontal
    小型变压器和扼流圈用附件. e ed ee ef及ek型铁芯
  • I am expecting you to be very busy for the next few days since you need to settle down and get ready for your training with ek
  • Kochs ek , bischoff p , pichelmeier u . surgical stimulation induce in brain electrical activity during isofluane / nitrous oxide anesthesia j . anesthesiology , 1994 , 80 : 1026
    赵晖,岳云,蔡伟,等.脑电功率谱和双频谱指数在判断麻醉深度上的同期比较j .中华麻醉学杂志, 1997 , 9 : 545
  • Awakening from a coma , trevor finds himself under the care of eccentric dr . ek , who informs him that he has been committed to ek s sanitarium for the sacrificial murder of his fiance
  • The enterprise of sieg blitz ek offers you cutting systems , welding systems and other as well as the further oxyacetylene process and dismantling machine tools
    Sieg blitz ek是一家现代化的、可靠的产品供应商,这家供应商从事切割系统,焊接系统,气焊,其它,拆除的机床的制造、销售。请您访问我们的主页,垂询当前的产品系列和服务。
  • Based on the careful analysis of present clustering algorithm , we give two text clustering algorithms : ek ( exact k - means algorithm ) and dbtc ( density - based text clustering ) , and discuss the results of clustering experiments
    对现有聚类算法进行了仔细分析,给出了两个文本聚类算法: ek算法和dbtc算法。对这两种算法进行了详细介绍,并分析了聚类实验的结果。
  • The company took measures to make improvement including change the way of thinking , introduce in the talents and establish the supplying system with many inland large motor manufacturers such as : guangdong grand river group , zhejiang qianjiang motor , luoyang northern , ek chor motor , loncin motor , jiangsu sinki motor , chongqin zhongshen motor
  • The le - an oil field is located on the southern slope of dong - ying sag . there are two sets of ek basalt in its western block . depending on the drilling , the logging and the seismic date , tha ek basalt has the characteristics of high resistancs , the low sound wave defferance and faradic conductance , the smooth curve of self potential
    乐安油田位于东营洼陷南斜坡上,其西区发育了两套孔店组玄武岩,根据钻井、测井、地震资料,孔店组玄武岩具有电阻率高、声波时差值和感应电导率值低、自然电位曲线平直的特点,地震波呈板状强反射;沉积期该区有有二次火山活动,玄武岩平面分布比较稳定,喷发方式为“裂隙式喷溢” ,火山口分别位于草12和草31井附近。
  • 推荐英语阅读
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