The power curve indicates that doubling the wind speed will lead to an eightfold increase in power 功率曲线显示风速加倍将使功率增加8倍。
Of paths the eightfold path is the best ; of truths the four words ( noble truths ) ; detachment is the best of states and of bipeds the seeing one ( the man of vision ) 所有道路中,八正道是最好的;所有真理中,四圣谛(苦、集、灭、道)是最好的;所有境界中,离弃是最好的;所有两足动物中,能观察的是最好的。
China ' s trade surplus , which increased eightfold between 2004 and 2007 , has been widely forecast to stabilise this year amid signs of economic slowdown and weakening demand in the us and europe 2004年至2007年间,中国贸易顺差增长了8倍。由于有迹象表明美国和欧洲经济增长放缓,需求不断减弱,市场普遍预计今年中国的贸易顺差将持稳。
Even demographics are working against the middle class family , as the odds of having a weak elderly parent - and all the attendant need for physical and financial assistance - have jumped eightfold in just one generation 甚至人口分布的数据也与中产阶级家庭作对,因为家中有一位体弱高龄的父亲或母亲的可能性在仅仅一代人的时间里增加了8倍,照顾家中的老人就需要体力和财力的付出。
The second report , by eric rignot of the us space agency s jet propulsion laboratory in pasadena , us , showed an eightfold increase in the speed of three glaciers , called hektoria , green and evans , between 2000 and 2003 埃里克?里戈诺特供职于美国国家航空航天局设在帕萨迪纳市的喷气推进实验室,他所做的第二份报告显示, 2000年到2003年间三条分别名为黑克多利亚、格林和埃文斯的冰河的流速增加了8倍。
Our motivation acquires the requisite maturity by the cultivation of right view , the first factor of the noble eightfold path , which as explained by the buddha includes an understanding of the principles of kamma and rebirth as fundamental to the structure of our existence 我们的动机藉由正见的培养获得必要的成熟,正见居佛说八正道之首,这其中便包括,必须了解业与轮回原理在生存结构中的根本作用。
The noble truth of the path leading to the cessation of suffering : there is a path our of suffering - it is the ' noble eightfold path ' ( or the ' middle path ' because it avoids the two extremes of sensual pleasure and self - mortification ) , that leads to the cessation of suffering 引领停止苦楚的高贵真理:有一条停止我们的苦楚的道路? ?这就是“八重道路” (八正道,或者是“中间的道路” ,因为它避免了纵欲和禁欲两个极端) ,这引向了苦楚的停止。
Yangzhou fukedu hotel is the first express style commercial and tourist hotel , witht the convenient transportation , is located at yangzhou yingbin avenueside jiangyang road and yangzi river road acrossing , eightfold main buildings are opposite new century hotel , the hotel has large - scale parking , medium and small - sized meeting room , multi - purpose hall . moreover , it possesses 88 guest rooms designed by glazing unit window , are equipped with the full facility of 24 - hour hot water , air conditioning , separate bathroom , cable television , ip telephone , broadband internet access , fire and burglar alarm installation . as long as you lodge in yangzhou fukedu hotel , let you feel concise , convenient , confortable , safe and economic 福客都酒店是扬州市首家快捷型商务旅游酒店,座落在扬州迎宾大道旁江阳路与扬子江路交叉口处,交通便利,八层主楼与新世纪大酒店遥遥相望,酒店拥有大型停车场中小型会议室多功能厅,客房88间,中空玻璃窗户, 24小时热水,设施完善,环境优雅内设单人房标准房套房等,房内配有空调有线电视独卫ip电话宽带上网火灾及防盗报警等设施一切让您感到简洁方便舒适安全经济,是您及您的贵客下榻休息的理想场所。
The second report , by eric rignot of the us space agency ' s jet propulsion laboratory in pasadena , us , showed an eightfold increase in the speed of three glaciers , called hektoria , green and evans , between 2000 and 2003 . two others , jorum and crane , moved twice as quickly at the beginning of 2003 than they did in 2000 and nearly three times as fast by the end of the year 埃里克里戈诺特供职于美国国家航空航天局设在帕萨迪纳市的喷气推进实验室,他所做的第二份报告显示, 2000年到2003年间三条分别名为黑克多利亚格林和埃文斯的冰河的流速增加了8倍。
Through discipline , he courses within the realm of the pure precepts , through the clear eye of the dharma , he sees the deeds of virtue and non - virtue throughout the entire universe , and through mindfulness , he treads the eightfold noble path of the noble one and arrives at the city of nirvana 经由戒律,他将悠游于持戒纯净的境界,透过法眼他将洞悉全宇宙的道德与非道德,再经由自觉,他将循行八正道,而抵达涅盘之境,允许长者幼者出家,或自己出家者,功德远大。