

  • 埃尔夫
  • 艾斐尔阶
  • 调皮可爱的阿福
  • 姬无双
  • 英国展览业联合会



  • 例句与用法
  • And one day the iittie eif famiiy
  • Iittiest eif of aii
  • Eif at times the car does not respond immediately , try dialing again as the signal may be weak or the gsm network may be overloaded
  • The eukaryotic initiation factor 5a ( eif - 5a ) is one of the most abundant initiation factors in the eukaryote , and it is the only protein in nature that contains a hypusine residue
    真核起始因子5a ( eif - 5a )普遍存在于所有真核细胞内,是目前发现唯一一个含有hypusine残基的蛋白质。
  • At first , the gene of eif - 5a was fished from mo - 7e cell line using rt - pcr . then we successfully construct the prokaryotic expression vectors of eif - 5a . after expression and purification , rheif - 5a was identified by western - blot and peptide mass - fingerprinting
    本工作首先从mo7e细胞中提取rna ,通过rt - pcr方法钓取eif - 5a ,在确认序列正确的基础上,构建eif - 5a的原核表达载体。
  • Then protein crystal of eif - 5a was observed using atomic force microscopy . further , the polyclonal and monoclonal antibodies were gained from immunized rabbits and rats . hypusine - contained eif - 5a plays a role in cell growth and differentiation
    用得到的重组蛋白分别免疫家兔和小鼠,获得兔的抗血清和三株持续分泌单抗的杂交瘤细胞株,为进一步分析eif - 5a的功能提供了检测手段。
  • Further , eif - 5a overexpression through transfection promoted up inhibitor - induced apoptosis , and . mutation of eif - 5 a abolished the enhancing effect , we could conclude that the accumulation of hypusine - absent eif - 5a played an important role in the strong induction of apoptosis by up inhibitors
    进一步的分析结果表明过表达eif - 5a ,可增大细胞对mg - 132的敏感性,而hypusine突变体无此现象,说明未形成hypusine的eif - 5a可促进阻断泛素通路诱发的凋亡作用。
  • We successfully construct the eukaryotic expression vector of gfp - eif - 5a and its mutational vector using genetic engineering techniques . we found that eef - 5 a localized in nucleus as well as in cytoplasm just for a short time after its transient expression , then distributed only in cytoplasm
    Eif - 5a的hypusine修饰是其活性和功能发挥所必需的,我们通过pcr方法实现了hypusine位点的定点突变,并进一步构建了含gfp标签的eif - 5a及其hypusine位点突变的真核表达载体。
  • It showed that eif - 5a subcellular localizat ion was a dynamic process , and it might be a nucleocytoplasmic shuttle protein . our study is the first to show that the inhibition of hypusine formation altered the subcellular distribution of gfp - eif - 5 a , and made it unable to localize at its proper site of action
    然后利用氨基酸突变、添加阻断剂等方法,抑制eif - 5a的hypusine修饰,观察到eif - 5a始终为全细胞分布,提示抑制hypusine的形成可影响eif - 5a的亚细胞定位,进而影响其功能的发挥。
  • 其他语种释义
  • eifとは意味

    EIF {略} : exercise in futility 徒労{とろう}、無駄足{むだあし}

  • 推荐英语阅读
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