

  • 达企业咨询有限公司



  • 例句与用法
  • The designing process of the edac circuit is described in the paper . the time simulation is analysed , too . the designment of the circuit has access the hardware debug , and can woks normally
    此外还将第一轮设计中的基本逻辑器件如与、或、非门以及诸如244 、 255 、译码器等小规模元器件都集成到fpga内部来实现。
  • Using water - soluble carbodiimide as condensation agent , biomacromolecules such as gelatin , collagen and chitosan were covalently grafted on the plla - g - pmaa membranes . solution of the biomacromolecules was further coated on the above membranes to increase the surface density of the biomacromolecules . this technology was designated " grafting and coating " method
    为了将生物大分子化学接枝于plla膜表面,首先在plla膜表面接枝pmaa ,将羧基引入plla表面,利用水溶性碳化二亚胺edac作为缩合剂,与含有氨基的生物大分子反应,可将生物大分子如明胶、胶原和壳聚糖化学接枝在plla膜表面。
  • Above all , [ 12 : 8 ] harming error correction theory is mentioned in this paper . the edac circuit designed by vhdl can works normally at different frequency of the cpu clock such as 66mhz 50mhz 40mhz 33mhz . the edac function of the circuit can also be disabled by software tool . meanwhile , some basic devices such as and logic , or logic , not logic and some small scale integrated circuits are also integrated in the fpga
    本论文阐述了12 , 8汉明码纠错设计过程,采用vhdl语言实现纠错编码器( edac ) ,本设计能够适应cpu时钟信号clk2的不同频率,如66mhz 、 50mhz 、 40mhz 、 33mhz ,并且能够通过软件的控制使fpga的纠错编码功能关闭。
  • A method about how to design a real - time edac circuit based on aerospace computer which cantains 386ex cpuis is described in this paper . the main subject of this paper concentrates on the design of the edac ( error dectection and correction ) circuit which can accomplish the function that correct the errors of the data in sram
    本课题实现了基于386excpu航天计算机的实时edac ( errordetectionandcorrection )电路的设计,即采用纠错编码设计来完成对sram中的数据进行纠错的功能。本课题的研究工作建立在第一轮386excpu航天计算机最小系统设计成功的基础之上。
  • 其他语种释义
  • edacとは意味

    EDAC {略} : error detection and correction 誤り検出と訂正

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