a plea of duress 【法律】向法庭提出申请,宣告以前的契约[声明等]系在被胁迫的情况下签订[发表]而现在要求宣告无效。 be held in duress 在监禁中。 duress of imprisonment 非法监禁。 under duress 被迫,被劫持 (a contract made under duress 被胁迫签订的契约)。
duresse n. 1.【法律】强迫,胁迫;强制。 2.(非法)监禁。 a plea of duresse 【法律】向法庭提出申请,宣告以前的契约[声明等]系在被胁迫的情况下签订[发表]而现在要求宣告无效。 be held in duresse 在监禁中。 duresse of imprisonment 非法监禁。 under duresse 被迫,被劫持 (a contract made under duresse 被胁迫签订的契约)。
Those who acted under duress shall go unpunished .. 胁从不问。
It was a rough and blowy night when cowperwood started for this institution under duress . 当柯帕乌被逼动身到这个机关里去的时候,是寒风刺骨的夜里。
The chief criminals shall be punished without fail , those who are accomplices under duress shall go unpunished and those who perform deeds of merit shall be rewarded . 首恶必办,胁从不问,立功受奖。
Under duress they disclosed the october contingent 在监禁中他们透露了十月分队. .
Duress provides no defense to a charge of murder 受到胁迫不能成为谋杀指控之抗辩。
A duress signal in there , it would ' ve found it 胁迫暗码肯定会被监测出来的
A duress signal in there , it would ' ve found it 胁迫暗码肯定会被监测出来的
" flank two " is a duress code used to indicate “左侧两点”是一个胁迫代码
You ' re telling me she wasn ' t under duress 你是告诉我她已经被你拘捕了?
Was said under duress and can ' t be used against me 都是在胁迫下说的,不能作为证词来告我
compulsory force or threat; "confessed under duress"
In jurisprudence, duress or coercion refers to a situation whereby a person performs an act as a result of violence, threat or other pressure against the person. Black's Law Dictionary (6th ed.