The stem is reduced to a disklike structure , bearing concentric layers of fleshy leaf bases that comprise the food store 由许多肥厚的肉质鳞叶包围扁平或圆盘状的地下茎,其中储藏着大量的营养物质。
It is often disklike , sometimes divided into many fingerlike processes , and is particularly prominent in the brown algae ( e . g . fucus ) 通常呈圆盘状,有时分成指状,该结构在褐藻(如墨角藻)中尤为显著。
Platelet is a minute , irregularly shaped , disklike cytoplasmic body found in blood plasma that promotes blood clotting and has no definite nucleus , no dna , and no hemoglobin 白细胞分多种,如嗜中性粒细胞、淋巴细胞、嗜酸性细胞、单核细胞和嗜碱粒细胞等。