eat greedily; "he devoured three sandwiches" 同义词:guttle, raven, pig,
eat immoderately; "Some people can down a pound of meat in the course of one meal" 同义词:down, consume, go through,
destroy completely; "Fire had devoured our home"
enjoy avidly; "She devoured his novels"
Devour means to eat greedily.
devourとは意味:devour v. むさぼる; のみこむ. 【副詞1】 ◆I avidly devoured her novels. 熱心に彼女の小説をむさぼり読んだ a picture of a tyrannosaur avidly devouring its victim ティラノサウルスが獲物を貪欲(どんよく)にむさぼっている図 ◆He eagerly devoured novel after novel...